So who's prancing around on your rooftop? Meet Rocky Claus, Santa's younger brother. Santa decided that Rocky would visit all GOOD ladies this year so Santa could concentrate on the kiddies.
Rocky is so-o-o looking forward to fitting down your chimney so he can give you one, or two, or three, or more...wonderful presents...but only if you've been "GOOD" all year!
Did you write to Santa yet? Be sure to tell him if you've been GOOD and mention how you'd like Rocky to slide down your chimney for some fun! Remember to address your letter to the North Pole...although Rocky spends his time sunning himself in warmer climates so has a wonderful tan!
My letter's been mailed and I KNOW Rocky will fit down my chimney without a problem since I've been getting it ready for his visit. I even bought a cute red sheer nightie to wear that has white trim around the bottom. And with Rocky's red hat with white trim, we should compliment each other. Rocky likes to wear that hat...and nothing he can present an uplifting holiday image. Plus, clothes just get in the way and make it more difficult for him to slide up and down your chimney.
Hurry, ladies. Get those letters mailed today to be put on Rocky's list. You wouldn't want him to miss your chimney, would you?
HO, HO, HO! Happy Holidays!

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Naughty List - Thirteen Naughty Holiday Stories (Anthology) from Amazon Bestselling Authors
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Rocky sounds like a stand up guy, helping his brother out! I'll be sure to send my letter but I'm a little worried about what the hubby would say about Rocky visiting me!