Why, you ask?
Because in March, 2016, the NL have embarked upon an orgy of giving--each and every one of our anthologies will be offered for free this month.
And although most of the month has passed, here are three great deals for you:
RIGHT NOW (right now!!!) Naughty Reunions is FREE!
Get it here: http://tinyurl.com/NReunions
These nine naughty little stories celebrating reunion romances were very kindly reviewed--readers said stuff like:
By Dana Busenbark on September 29, 2015
By Elaine Lara on October 21, 2015
on November 7, 2015
And lucky for you, the freebies don't stop there. On March 21,
Naughty Chances will be free for five days or so.
Here's where you can score a copy: http://tinyurl.com/NaughtyChances
Seven of us put stories in this one, and here's what
readers thought:
By steamy book momma on December 21, 2015
By Marcia A. Anderson on December 22, 2015
on January 10, 2016
And lastly: Naughty List, our first and best-selling anthology, will be FREE
on March 26! Now, we don't need to offer this box set for free--it's always
sold well and consistently. But hey, we're nice people, so our fabulous set
of thirteen naughty holiday tales will also be FREE. Find it here:

By Kristi Cisneros on July 4, 2015
By Beth Klug on March 5, 2015
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